SCO-1.93-6 sirio antenne cellular base

SCO-1.93-6 sirio antenne

SCO-1.93-6 sirio antenne


Collinear dipole array antenna, 360


Prezzo per pezzo

€ 57,81

(IVA esclusa)

€ 70,53 (IVA inclusa)

Prezzo di 1 pz. iva (22%) inclusa: € 70,53

Disponibilità: 10 gg lav


SKU: 117993

Model: SCO-1.93-6

Bisogno di aiuto?


Base station antenna working on l .88-l .98 GHZ conceived for DECT system. The radiant element is made of PTFE PCB to guarantee high power and low losses and it is protected by a fiberglass tube. it's supplied with an aluminium bracket for an easy installation on the mast.


Electrical Data

Type: Collinear Dipole Array
Frequency Range: 1880-1980 MHZ for UMTS system
impedance: 50 Ω
Polarization: Linear Vertical
Max Gain: 6 dBi
3 dB Beamwidth Vertical: 27° @ 1930 MHZ
Beamwidth Horizontal: 360° omnidirectional
Downtilt: 0°
SWR in Bandwidth: ≤ l.5
Max Power: 20 Watts (CW) @ 30° C
Grounding Protection: All metal parts are DC-grounded, the inner conductor shows a DC shot
Connector type: N-female, gold plated central pin

Mechanical Data

Housing Materials: Aluminium Stainless Steel Chromed Brass
Radome Material: White Fiberglass
Wind Load / Resistance: 1lN @150 Km/h / 2OO Km/h
Wind Surface: 0.01 m2
Height (approx.): 400 mm
Weight (approx.): 360 gr
Operating Temperature: -40° C to 80° C


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